Ok, before we delve further let me set the record straight.

In Business the first step IS important but its just not the MOST important especially when  it comes to Internet Marketing.

Let me explain by setting the scene

There's a few nerves and a little trepidation but there's also excitement and anticipation as you set out on your journey to create a memorable Internet Presence. A presence that builds you a huge following of raving fans and let's be honest, also makes you a few bucks as well.

You've got all the relevant software and apps and off you go trying to integrate all the technology so you can create blogs,  websites, offers, autoresponders and everything you need to grab your own share of the Internet cake.

You're pleased with yourself that you've taken those  important first steps

And then it happens

You're stuck, things aren't working anymore and worse of all you haven't got a clue why. You spend ages trying to explain what's wrong to technical support, only to get a response that looks like it's been written in Klingon

Now your baffled and maybe angry, you want to throw the computer out the window. Negative thoughts fill your mind

"I don't understand where I'm going wrong"

"I'm just not technical enough"

And the worst of all

"This just won't work for me"

Well, stop those thought because you are wrong...so so wrong. Many marketers, including the top guys, will have hit these wall just as you have. They will tell you horror stories of website's going down just before a launch or whole content disappearing from their blogs.

You see, it ain't personal...it ain't your fault. Its the set up gremlins circling trying to burst your bubble.

And that is  why This Is The Most Important Step In Internet Marketing

Getting over these set up complications will set you apart form so many other that simply give up.

Take a breath. Have some patience. Yes the technical boffins may be strange people but they are there to help, use them.

Or you could do what I did and get  yourself a Coach, I did and its done me world of good.

And here's the thing

It's going to happen again, many times, because technology isn't perfect, but now you'll know what to do. You'll have the knowledge and confidence to overcome the technical gremlins and you'll be one of the few that didn't throw the towel in and you'll be on your way to success.

Oh and that coach I mentioned, his name is John Thornhill and I'm succeeding as part of his great Partnership To Success Programme, click on the link to find out more

Here's to Your Success

    6 replies to "Is The First Step Really The Most Important In Business? No It Isn’t, Here’s Why"

    • ed

      So true, I’ve recently came across multiple tech issues that seems like gremlins. You just gotta push through

      • Paul Henry

        Yep Ed, the gremlins can really slow you down as you say the winners are those that push through.
        Good Luck


    • Michael Krieger

      Hi Paul. That is exactly what I needed. I am a completely. new to internet marketing. I have experienced alot of difficulties from the start. But I do not quit so I just dig in and I keep making progress. Thanks for the validation, John’s Partnership to Success program is awesome.

      • Paul Henry

        You’re going to have fun if you’re new to this game Michael!!
        Apart from the obvious financial benefits its great when you can borrow someone’s tablet and see your own website/s, then tell people “I built that”.
        I guarantee they will be impressed, in fact every one will be.
        And Yes keep at john program I think its worth it
        Good Luck

    • Mary Anne

      Yes it is absolutely. I have finally surpassed my tech challenges and hope to move on to
      learning product creation! Cheers!

      • Paul Henry

        Well done Mary Anne, for surpassing the tech challenges, I still fear I’ve got many more to come but that’s not going to stop me

        Good Luck

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