So I guess your thinking "Who is Paul Henry chap and why is he writing a blog about Internet Marketing?" well here's my story...

I left school in the black and white days with nothing more than a torn blazer and the headmasters bicycle and very quickly realized that sales was where the money was.

My first job was for a weighing machine manufacturer where I nicknamed the best selling machine "Apache", because it lied in weight!!

Next onto the world of IT where I learned a few things

Unpluggng a prospects server to plug in my Laptop for a presentation on "How To Protect Your Server" will not get you the business.

Computers are not human, they only think they are

Control Alt Delete is the same in every language.

Having reached the dizzying heights of European Sales Director I realized I could do better on my own, so I set up my own Sales and Marketing company where I helped businesses get better results from their sales and marketing.

It was at this point that someone mentioned this new fangled thing called the Internet and more importantly that you could make money from it.

So off I went learning everything from Copywriting to Email Marketing to Web design and HTML. I attended seminar after seminar and bought lots of shiny new toys

I sold quite a few ebooks and one or two courses, but nothing to write home about. Where was I going wrong?

Here I was, a successful businessperson, with years of Sales and Marketing experience, scratching around the Internet Marketing world without even a ripple.

I thought I may not be cut out for this Internet Marketing lark so I concentrated on my business whilst still dabbling in the IM world every now and again.

It was whilst I was coaching a client that the penny finally dropped. A Eureka moment if you like

A Coach...that's it, that's what I need.... a coach

Someone who can guide me, watch over my shoulder, provide me with critical advice to help me reach my goals. Hell I was doing it myself for other business people.

It was then that I found a Fellow Brit, John Thornhill, who has a program called Partnership to Success where he does exactly that, so I joined and for the first time I feel like I'm getting somewhere.

Maybe, just, maybe I can finally realize my dream of creating a memorable digital presence.

So, follow me as I stumble my way to glory. Perhaps it may inspire you to take the leap of faith as well

By the way why not check out Johns Programme for yourself, he's done a cracking webinar where he spills the beans on what its all about you can see it  here.