I've already spoken about the huge benefits offering free reports can have in attracting new prospects to your business in my post here.

They are what I call a Lead Magnet but you don't have to restrict yourself to free reports.


There are many other types of Lead Magnet you can create

Here's a short idea generator that should help you pick a few to entice prospects to your website

Remember, the way it works is simple. You create something of value and then give it away in exchange for a person’s email address. 

Here are 28 highly effective lead magnet ideas to help you start building your email list today…

  1. Checklist. A checklist in which everything from a blog post is condensed into super actionable steps that can be easily referenced
  2. Cheat Sheet. A list of guidelines, steps, or processes that can be followed again and again
  3. Template. A template for a commonly done activity (blog post, type of email, or other item) where blanks can quickly be filled in
  4. Swipe File. A list of things (headlines, email subject lines) that can be simply copied and pasted
  5. Example. A completed sample/example of a commonly used item, such as a resume (different than a template, which has blanks)
  6. Script. A fill-in-the-blank script that people can follow when talking to specific individuals (such as potential clients)
  7. Toolkit. A list of all the tools necessary to effectively perform a particular task (such as start a blog)
  8. Free Tool. A useful tool that anyone can use in exchange for their email address (like CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer)
  9. Resource List. A large list of resources that can be easily referenced at any time (such as places that accept guest blog posts)
  10. Calendar. A calendar which helps people plan out tasks ( such as a content creation, social media, blogging)
  11. Worksheet. A simple worksheet designed to help someone complete a specific exercise, think through something, or complete a task
  12. Printable. A well-designed sheet that can be easily printed and then used (such as a camping grocery list)
  13. Inspiration File. A compilation of inspirational resources to help people when they get stuck or simply need some extra inspiration
  14. Prompts. A list of prompts designed to help people think through specific questions and work through challenges (like journaling prompts)
  15. Calculator. A simple calculator designed to help someone easily complete more complex calculations, like determining the value of their house
  16. Spreadsheet. A spreadsheet that already has calculations programmed into it, making more difficult calculations easy
  17. Recipe. A recipe (or list of recipes) related to a specific food plan or diet, such as the keto diet
  18. Tutorial. A step-by-step guide through a particular task or process, designed to make learning it as easy as possible
  19. E-Book. An in-depth eBook that covers a particular subject in detail
  20. Guide. A shorter document (not as long as an eBook) that still covers a subject in relatively thorough detail
  21. Report. A detailed report in which you discuss key information related to your industry or business
  22. Educational Video. A video or series of videos in which you give your expert knowledge on a particular subject
  23. Webinar. An in-depth video/webinar which provides your prospects with significantly valuable information regarding a specific subject
  24. Email Course. A free course on a particular subject which you deliver via email
  25. Free Coaching Session. A quick coaching/consulting session where you help a person work through a particular issue
  26. Predictions. A list of your expert predictions related to your industry or business
  27. Recording/Replay. A video replay of a webinar you’ve done, thus allowing your prospect to still access the valuable information
  28. Audio Book. A downloadable audiobook related to your business or industry

Once you have created and indeed delivered you'll lead magnet that is only the beginning of the relationship with your prospect and ultimately, of course, your paying customer.

That means it is absolutely essential that you continue to follow up, communicate and build the relationship once you've got the email address and I will be covering exactly how to do this  in another blog.


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